Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yes, essay over, critique over, andddddd term 1 over. And the best part is that recess week (don't understand why everyone in Lasalle calls it "Project Week", its meant for you to relax, and to catch up your works that are not completed, not do all your works on this week.) just started!

And yesterday, Day 1 of recess week. Went for not 1, but 2 photowalks! In the morning we went to Changi Beach and shot some sunrise, and mirror shots. I got the chance to experiment some long exposure shots as well. Didn't turn out as well as it should be but I'm still learning after all..

Not to mention it was a pretty good weather as well!!

Well then, not all of us went back for the second part, but we did some silhouette shots.


All in all, it has been an overall enjoying and relaxing day for me (the rest as well, I hope :D) after all the assignments and essay that I have to do. To be able to photoshoot again has been so.. awesome ^_^

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